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Admiral Ushakov            

Maritime State University            



Pay your attention

Students and their parents, please, pay your attention, that the list of Universities and their branches excluded from the register of licenses, released on the official website of ROSOBRNADZOR and replicated in Mass media as “the black list of  institutes of high education” mislead  potential entrants of the University and its current branch in Rostov- on- Don – the Institute of water transport named G. Y. Sedov


The published list  included the list of higher educational establishments (branches) liquidated and reorganized as the decision of the Ministry of education of Russian Federation on grounds of  inefficiency  and at the request of  Institutes of high schools because of  the termination of their activity. 


Until 2013 in Rostov-on-Don functioned two branches of University.  In order to optimize the network of the branches there were liquidated  “the Caspian  branch of the Admiral  Ushakov Maritime State University in Astrakhan” and  “the branch of the Admiral Ushakov State Maritime University  in Rostov-on-Don”. 


Pursuant to the Decree of the RF government of 28.10.2013 , № 966 «On licensing of educational activity» under the request of the University Rosobrnadzor excluded from the register of licenses the following branches in connection with the termination of their activities. 


Currently , in Rostov-on-Don in accordance with the license functioning Institute of water transport name GY Sedov, formed by merging of the liquidated branch of Admiral Ushakov Maritime State University in Rostov-on-Don and Rostov-on-Don  branch of Moscow state Academy of water transport».


Educational and financial-economic activity of the liquidated branch moved to the Institute of Water Transport named GY Sedov from the 1st of December 2012, which in accordance with Annex 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 to perpetual License of the head of the University reg. № 2546 from the 05.03.2012 , has the right to carry out educational activity in  Rostov-on-Don on the basic educational programs of secondary and higher professional education.